Wednesday 15 April 2015

Vehicle Design Process

Hey! Thought I'd show the process of something I've finished recently.

Step 1. Thumbnails

Started off jotting down some ideas as i knew i wanted to push for a really big tankish vehicle with some sort of cannon, so really loose and keeping things simple. Can never go wrong with thumbnails.

Step 2. Line

Took the last sketch and tightened it up in line, getting a feel for where certain details will be as well as functional aspects of the car. Still loose and open to changes

Step 3. Values

Once satisfied with the line drawing and all the big shapes, I then decided to carefully establish correct values to get a feel for the lighting and form of the vehicle.

I have to give big thanks to Scott Robertson's awesome book "How to Render" for helping me with this. He explains the process of assigning values to objects with immense clarity.

Step 4. Details

WAIT.. what? bro..

Yeah.. unfortunately I wasn't able to salvage the in between stages but I simply assigned the desired color to the values, photo-bashed functional parts and rendered the material while finding ways to connect pieces to each other.

Step 5. Background

Added a simple background and placed some text in the corner. Done

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